We began our 3rd week by considering the question,
"Are you easily offended?"
And then exploring the reality that Jesus was not (and is not) afraid to offend us. We paused to consider what the Holy Spirit wanted to reveal through surfacing specific memories of our fathers and our earliest memories of shame. Finally, we looked at the destructive patterns of judgment that arise from embracing religious principles which teach about God in preference of walking in relationship with Him as we grow in the knowledge of God.
We wrestled with the question of "How we are to handle those in sin, specifically sexual sin?" and heard a testimony from Bree Henry about how God patiently worked in her life to bring her to salvation through a series of experiences which took place when she was 30 years old.
The class closed by considering the question,
"What did Jesus write in the sand that moved those accusing the woman in John 8 to walk away?"
Action Step:
Ask the Holy Spirit what Jesus wrote in the sand, listen for a response and write down what you hear.
Identify one situation in your life where you need the creative wisdom of God to demonstrate the knowledge of God to a friend, family member or co-worker who is struggling.
For the audio from week 3 click the link below:
Week 3 - Audio - Shame & Judgement - March 15, 2015
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